Founded in 1986 by Malden community members, Housing Families strengthens individuals, families, and communities through their vision to achieve housing stability for all. Rosi explained how housing instability is often caused by rent increases and loss of employment. Taking a holistic approach, they provide legal representation in housing court as well as eviction prevention case management to address root causes. In 2023, their legal services program aided 3,753 individuals and prevented 743 evictions. Housing Families estimates that for every $1 invested in their wellness department, $6.12 in social and economic value is returned to the communities they serve.

Rosi talked about how her team applies to LAH for grants on behalf of their clients to cover rent and electricity arrearages, as well as storage costs for those facing housing instability. These unique grants allow them to offer flexible financial assistance through a simple, straightforward process. With support from Lend A Hand Society, they can promptly address immediate needs without red tape or many requirements, providing invaluable emergency assistance grants to numerous households to prevent evictions.

Laura Rosi thanked Lend A Hand Society on behalf of Housing Families for providing timely, responsive, and caring support through its crucial grants.